Archive for Archaeology

Chenal shelter, six thousand years of iconography

Chenal shelter

Chenal shelter

The oldest post-Palaeolithic engravings of the Alps, 5th millennium BC, reveal many contact points with the ancient megalithic art of Brittany. We publish here the complete paper related to the Montjovet-Chenal shelter, Aosta valley; Italian version, with short English abstract and all-sectors tracings. Full text-image searchable flip book (Flash plugin needed). The low-res PDF is also available.

by A. Arcà, D. Daudry, A. Fossati, F. Morello, L. Raiteri

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Magura Cave paintings, Bulgarian rock art

Sun figure

Situated in north-western Bulgaria, and managed by the Belogradchik municipality, the Magura cave (Пещера МАГУРА) is, with the Porto Badisco cave (south Italy), the most important European post-Palaeolithic painted cave. Hundreds of dark brown figures are diffused along an astonishing underground Art Gallery: hunting, dancing and mating scenes, bi-triangular female silhouettes, axes, solar symbols… a prehistoric iconographic treasure which definitely deserves a special attention. [Text and photogallery]

by Andrea ARCÀ

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Bulgarian rock art: the Madara rider


Madara rider

The Madara rider is a unique monument of the ancient Bulgarian art. Its popularity is immense in Bulgaria and since 1979 it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The high-relief depicts a rider on his stallion accompanied by a dog. A dead lion is carved under the horse and some inscriptions in Greek all around. The scene celebrates the founding of the Bulgarian state by the Khan Asparukh (680-700 AD). The Madara rider is the only European rock carved monument from the Early Middle Ages. [Text and photogallery]

by rupestre

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Ricerca in Valcamonica, quale futuro?


tracing rock art

Tavola rotonda tra ricercatori e rappresentanti delle Istituzioni sul futuro della ricerca in Valcamonica, arte rupestre e non solo, Breno 20 giugno 2014.  

Which future for the research in Valcamonica? June 20 2014, round table at Breno (Valcamonica, I), discussion among researchers and governmental representatives.

by Valcamonica rock art

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Le manifestazioni del sacro e l’età del Rame


Bell beaker

The manifestations of the sacred and the Copper Age in the Alps and in the Po Valley, archaeological congress a Brescia (I), with emphasis on funerary rituals and rock art and statue stelae symbolism. Convegno archeologico 23 e 24 maggio 2014, Brescia, con approfondimenti sui rituali funerari che caratterizzano questo periodo e sul simbolismo dell’arte rupestre e delle statue-stele coeve. 

by Manifestazioni del Sacro

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Chiza, Interpreting Digitally Restored Petroglyphs

Chiza petroglyph

Chiza Petroglyphs

The goal of this paper is to offer the interested reader a digital restoration and interpretation of the images of a vandalized petroglyph boulder located in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. Its damaged face underscores the urgent necessity to ([photo])graphic record rock art sites in general. It is hoped that very soon a complete survey will be made of the Chiza petroglyph site and that the official survey will be made available to rock art researchers.

by Maarten van Hoek

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Chenal: il riparo inciso – the engraved shelter

Chenal schelter

Chenal shelter

Una recente scoperta: le più antiche figure post-paleolitiche dell’arte rupestre alpina. A recent discovery: the most ancient post-palaeolithic figures of the alpine rock art. Venerdì 9 maggio 2014 ore 17.30 presentazione pubblica ad Aosta; Friday, May 9, 2014 5:30 p.m. public presentation at Aosta (I).


by A. Arcà, D. Daudry, A. Fossati, F. Morello, L. Raiteri, L. Bornaz

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Valcamonica, Museo Nazionale della Preistoria

Mupre_logo150Sabato 10 maggio 2014 inaugurazione del MUPRE – Museo Nazionale della Preistoria a Capo di Ponte, che integra la musealizzazione del patrimonio iconografico della Valcamonica con quella dei contesti e dei reperti archeologici. Saturday, May 10, 2014 inauguration of MUPRE – National Museum of Prehistory in Capo di Ponte, which integrates the exhibit of the Valcamonica iconographic heritage with the archaeological contexts and findings


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Prehistory popularisation: a de profundis?


Cave art

Two recently published  archaeology books, mainly or partially concerning cave art, show a set of inaccuracies which doesn’t seem acceptable, not only for a specialised scientific level, but also for an educational one. The lack of a review process performed by professional archaeologists demonstrates the weakness in Italy, and not only, of the archaeologist profession, particularly in the prehistoric and rock art fields.

by R.C. de Marinis

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BEPA, online i primi due numeri



Ha preso avvio la pubblicazione online integrale dei primi tre numeri del BEPA – Bulletin d’Études Préhistoriques Alpines, edito dalla S.Va.P.A. – Société Valdôtaine de Préhistoire et d’Archéologie. Sono disponibili le versioni sfogliabili e “cercabili” dei primi due numeri, scaricabili anche in formato PDF.

by S.Va.P.A

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Testimonianze megalitiche presso lo Sparossino

spaross150Gli Autori, in seguito a recenti sopralluoghi sul crinale montuoso che, da Nord a Sud, separa la Val Pora (ad Est) e la Val Maremola (ad Ovest), hanno potuto osservare la presenza di strutture litiche che potrebbero rivelarsi di grande interesse archeologico ed archeoastronomico.

by A. Pirondini, G.P. Bocca, F. Pirondini, C. Pirondini, C. Villa

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Taurini Celtic tribe meets Roman Legion at Turin


Taurini Celtic warriors

Turin, June 22 2013: Taurini celtic people, the inhabitants of the area of Turin during the Iron Age, and the Legio Prima Italica of the Roman Army meet for an historical re-enactment. This is occasion to show some alpine rock art images of the weapons and of the warriors of this period (short notes and photo-gallery).

by Andrea Arcà (Footsteps of Man)

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The Ibexes Rock


Ibex hunting scene

The Ibexes Rock shows one of the most interesting Iron Age hunting scenes (VII-IV cent. BC) of the western Alps. At the same time it hosts the highest alpine Roman inscriptions (I sec. AD). Many similarities with the Camunnian engraved hunting scenes, while here the ibex takes the place of the deer [these notes are taken by the EuroPreArt (European Prehistoric Art) database, short photogallery added].

by EuroPreArt

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Giornata della Preistoria – Prehistory day

museo_preistoria_vaieDomenica 2 Giugno 2013 a Vaie (TO – I), in piazza del Museo, Giornata della Preistoria. Ore 10-12 e 14-16 laboratorio sulla pietra levigata a cura del C.A.S.T. Dalle 16 alle 18 conferenze su preistoria e iconografia rupestre della Valle di Susa a cura di Stefania Padovan e di Andrea Arcà. Programma e galleria fotografica sull’arte rupestre della Valle di Susa. Polished stone workshop, Susa Valley prehistoric and rock art (here slideshow) lectures.

by C.A.S.T.- Centro di Archeologia Sperimentale Torino

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Il Finalese: commerci e cultura megalitica nella preistoria

Ciappo Pianarella

Ciappo Pianarella

Gli Autori, in seguito alla disamina di studi internazionali ed alle recenti osservazioni personali sull’argomento in esame, analizzano l’importanza della zona di Finale Ligure (Provincia di Savona, Liguria Occidentale, Italia), quale crocevia di culture e commerci fra aree distanti del Mediterraneo, dell’Italia e dell’Europa Transalpina durante la Preistoria.

by A. Pirondini*, G.P. Bocca*, F. Pirondini*, C. Pirondini e C. Villa*

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Megalitismo in Val Ceresio

pir_ceresio150Gli Autori descrivono i reperti megalitici, il loro orientamento con le possibili correlazioni archeoastronomiche che potrebbero indicare una frequentazione pre e/o protostorica dei luoghi descritti. Segue un’analisi delle possibili prospettive di ricerca.

by A. Pirondini, G.P. Bocca, F. Pirondini* e C. Pirondini*

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L’età del Rame – The Copper Age

eta_rame_logo_quadL’età del Rame, la pianura padana e le Alpi al tempo di Ötzi. Mostra al Museo Diocesano di Brescia (via Gasparo da Salò 13, Brescia – I) dal 26 gennaio al 15 maggio 2013. The Copper Age, the Po plain and the Alps during the Ötzi time. Exhibition at the Museo Diocesano of Brescia, from Jan 26 to May 15 2013.
Presentazione e fotogalleria sui massi incisi dell’età del Rame – Copper Age engraved boulders photo-gallery available.

by Copper Age

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Entre Mont Bego et Val Camonica


Merveilles, le Sorcier

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 2011.
Entre Bego et Val Camonica: une clé pour mieux comprendre l’origine de l’art rupestre dans les Alpes, in BEPAA XXII, pp. 71-89.
| full text-image inline PDF | French

La comparaison entre ces deux sites est cruciale pour l’encadrement global de l’art rupestre alpin.

by Andrea Arcà

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