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Animated Abstracts in Majes Rock Art

This paper is one of a series of studies that investigates the rock art of the Majes Rock Art Style (MRAS) in southern Peru. This time I focus on petroglyphs of long, pecked stripes that have been animated by the prehistoric Majes People. I now argue that those Animated Stripes and many other typical MRAS images (discussed earlier by me; see my bibliography), including another icon (the “Majes Spitter”, which is the subject of my next study) created the Toro Muerto Anomaly, which – unfortunately – is either unknown or neglected by archaeologists busy in the Majes Valley.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Imaoun – Morocco: the Venus Cross

Imaoun-1 is one of the most important rock art sites in southern Morocco. In this study I briefly describe the array of petroglyphs at this site, comprising cupules, abstract motifs and patterns and biomorphic images. Imaoun-1 is also special because of its overrepresentation of abstract imagery. In this study I focus on one specific abstract petroglyph (said to have megalithic connotations), and – in more detail – on the Venus Cross, a globally widespread motif that is also overrepresented in this small part of Morocco. Its possible origin and journey across the prehistoric landscapes are also discussed.

By Maarten van Hoek.

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Petroglyphs of Tourirt-n-Tislatine – Morocco

This small petroglyph site in southern Morocco has – despite its limited number of decorated panel – a rather large variety of images. There are petroglyphs of quadrupeds (felines, bovines, antelopes, an elephant, perhaps a goat), some birds (probably ostriches) and one simple, yet interesting petroglyph of an outlined anthropomorphic figure. The site is very easily accessible and thus suffers from vandalism.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Petroglyphs of Imaoun-3A – Southern Morocco

This paper describes a modest petroglyph site just south of the Anti-Atlas of southern Morocco. It is found on a rocky hill, called Jorf Naga, where at least three other rock art sites have been recorded. All four sites play an important role in the rock art traditions of the most important rock art complex of Imaoun and the drainage of Wadi Akka, which – in ancient times – was definitely used as an important north-south migratory route through the Anti-Atlas to the contact zone with the Sahara.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Petroglyphs of Tizounine. Southern Morocco

This petroglyph site – located in the far south of Morocco – has only a small number of decorated panels. Yet there is a surprising variety in imagery, which ranges from biomorphic figures (mainly quadrupeds of the Tazina Style) and abstract motifs, one of which may well depict an (unplayable) game-board. A few (abstract?) motifs are enigmatic.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Petroglyphs of Jebel Youmkat, Morocco

This paper describes the petroglyphs that my wife and I recorded at the rock art site of Jebel Youmkat in Wadi Tamanart in 2019. As far as I could check, this site has not been published anywhere. The petroglyphs mainly concern images of quadrupeds and some ostriches.

By Maarten van Hoek

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This paper deals with the petroglyph site of Oum el Aleg near Akka in the far south of Morocco. The main subject of the paper is that I argue that there possibly are three images of archers, two of which possibly engaged in a hunting scene. The paper is accompanied by a video about Oum el Aleg, which can be viewed at YouTube.

By Maarten van Hoek

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A Study of Boulder AP3-065 – Peru

This paper presents the fifth case in my series of articles in which I discuss a selection of petroglyph boulders at Alto de Pitis, in the Majes Valley of southern Peru. It especially discusses a controversial petroglyph of an anthropomorph that has been interpreted in two most different ways. One rendering of the figure is questioned in this study (updated September 2023).

By Maarten van Hoek

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Majes Rock Art – evaluating a thesis

This paper analyses the 2018-thesis by Prof. Scaffidi. It concerns a revision (dated September 2023).

by Maarten van Hoek

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The “Camelines” of Toro Muerto

In general, it proves to be rather awkward (or even impossible) to establish the exact species of biomorphic images depicted at Toro Muerto (Peru), and thus this is even more problematic for conflations of two or more animals. In this study I argue that at Toro Muerto several petroglyphs of quadrupeds may well depict a specific conflation. With a number of illustrations I will demonstrate that this hypothesis is not far-fetched at all.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Case of Boulder AP3-098, Alto de Pitis

This paper – the fourth in a series about Alto de Pitis, all published in TRACCE – discusses some specific petroglyphs on Boulder AP3-098, focusing on the possible therianthrope on one of its panels.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Personaggi dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica: Emanuele Süss

Emanuele Süss (1909-1996) è stata una figura molto importante per le ricerche e la diffusione dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica nei primi anni ’50 del ’900. Dopo averle catalogate, disegnò la pianta con la numerazione delle rocce del Parco nazionale nell’area di Naquane. Fu autore del volume “Le Incisioni rupestri della Valcamonica” che ebbe una grande fortuna e che andò incontro a numerose ristampe.  (PDF available)

by Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI – Le Orme dell’Uomo Read more

Personaggi dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica: Giovanni Marro

Giovanni Marro (1875-1952) è senza dubbio la figura più discussa tra tutti i ricercatori dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica nella prima metà del ’900. E’ importante sottolineare il ruolo dello studioso nell’ambito delle scoperte. Egli percorreva i boschi a piedi inoltrandosi nei castagneti dov’erano presenti le rocce incise – infatti è ricordato anche come “il grande camminatore” – e scopriva le figure rupestri rimuovendo l’humus, spesso con l’aiuto di persone del posto, tra le quali il Marro utilizzava soprattutto Giuseppe Amaracco di Capo di Ponte. (PDF available)

by Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI – Le Orme dell’Uomo Read more

Personaggi dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica: Giovanni Marini

Giovanni Marini era davvero instancabile e appena poteva conduceva in visita gruppi italiani – anche scuole – e stranieri interessati a vedere il Parco di Luine con le incisioni rupestri più antiche della Valle. Una rara fotografia scattata nell’ottobre del 1990 lo ritrae seduto sulla roccia n. 73 ed intento a illustrare alcune figure di mani, rappresentazioni tra le più rare del Parco.  (PDF available).

by Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI – Le Orme dell’Uomo Read more

Personaggi dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica: Battista Maffessoli

Il mondo accademico italiano e straniero deve molto a Battista Maffessoli, artigiano, artista eclettico (pittore e scultore) dalla complessa personalità, guida alle incisioni rupestri per gruppi – sono nell’ordine di migliaia le persone che negli anni ha accompagnato a visitare le incisioni rupestri – e singoli, tra cui vanno annoverati praticamente tutti gli studiosi oggi attivi nelle ricerche dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica.  (PDF available).

by Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI – Le Orme dell’Uomo Read more

Personaggi dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica: Jack Belmondo

Il percorso artistico e archeologico sperimentale di Jack Belmondo – nome d’arte di Giuseppe Belfiore Mondoni non può essere separato dal suo luogo di nascita, Cerveno, piccolo paese della media Valcamonica. Le prime ricostruzioni di archeologia sperimentale – modellini di capanne, di carri ed aratri – furono da lui eseguite nel 1988 ed esposte nel Museo di Nadro sino al 1991. Tra il 1989 ed il 1990 iniziò le prime esperienze di fusione dei metalli, allo scopo di ottenere quelli che gli parevano i manufatti più interessanti.  (PDF available).

by Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI – Le Orme dell’Uomo Read more

Personaggi dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica: Raffaello Battaglia

Raffaello Battaglia è il quarto studioso ad occuparsi dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica dopo Laeng, Graziosi e Marro, ma fu sicuramente il primo ad occuparsene scientificamente, dopo Paolo Graziosi. Insieme a suoi collaboratori, rinvenne numerosi siti con incisioni. Tra queste, famosa resta la scoperta e pubblicazione delle rocce di Bedolina (PDF available).

by Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI – Le Orme dell’Uomo Read more

The Case of Boulder AP3-060, Alto de Pitis, Majes Valley

My paper describes the images on a boulder that has one of the most complex biomorphic petroglyphs in the Majes Valley and in Arequipa rock art. It may well be death-related, as will be demonstrated. Another death-related petroglyph on an adjoining panel definitely links the boulder – and the whole site – with Apu Coropuna, the most Sacred Mountain of the whole of southern Peru.

By  Maarten van Hoek
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Paolo Emilio Bagnoli and photometric 3D applied to rock art

Worldwide, Paolo Emilio Bagnoli, former full professor of Photonics and Optoelectronics at Pisa University, is among the few researchers active in the rock art field to apply to engraved rocks the method of 3D modelling on a photometric basis. As a tribute to his memory, it is appropriate to remember him in his own words in relation to the photometric technique applied to 3D modelling (PDF available).

by Andrea Arcà – Footprints of Man Read more

Vivere con l’arte rupestre nelle Alpi

Seminario di studi online
a cura della Cooperativa Archeologica
Le Orme dell’Uomo.
Venerdì 30 dicembre 2022
h 18:00-20:00 C.E.T.
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3WyPcJP

Le Orme dell’UomoFootsteps of Man Read more

Rock Art at Torán, Majes Valley, Peru

The paper proves that even “minor” rock art sites can be most interesting, especially when placing such a “minor” site in a larger local and regional context. Torán is such an important “minor” site, as it is clearly connected with the two most important “major” rock art sites in the valley; Toro Muerto and Alto de Pitis.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Rock Art at Punta Colorada, Majes, Peru

The paper proves that even “minor” rock art sites can be most interesting, especially when placing such a “minor” site in a larger local and regional context. Punta Colorada is such an important “minor” site as it may well connect (graphically, literally and metaphorically) two most important “major” rock art sites in the valley. Additionally, the site of Punta Colorada also seems to establish the spiritual link between certain rock art icons and Apu Coropuna, the Sacred Mountain of southern Peru.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Case of Boulder AP3-172, Majes, Peru

This paper describes a huge boulder at Alto de Pitis in the Majes Valley of southern Peru. It has some enigmatic petroglyphs that will be fully discussed. Especially one type of image is most idiosyncratic. It may depict or symbolise domestication of felines.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Petroglyphs of Cerro San Diego, Peru

This paper describes the petroglyph site of Cerro San Diego, north of Lima. The site has a rather unusual location. Moreover, it has some exceptional petroglyphs, for instance a large purported “eye-motif” from the Andean Formative Period.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Origin of the Cochineros Bird

It is very rare to find a unique rock art image repeated on ceramics or textiles from contemporaneous cultures. This study discusses the parallel between the unique petroglyph of a deliberately rotated bird image at Cochineros, a rock art site along the Río Mala, and compares the bird with similar images on ceramics and textiles of a surprisingly large coastal area.

By Maarten van Hoek

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A New Petroglyph Site in the Palpa Valley

The valley of the Río Palpa, tributary of the Río Grande drainage in the Department of Ica on the south coast of Peru, is very rich in rock art sites; all comprising petroglyphs. At this moment (July 2022) nine sites with petroglyphs had already been recorded (more information about rock art in the Palpa Valley is available in my book about Páracas rock art: Van Hoek 2021: Fig. 7

By Maarten van Hoek
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Music in Majes Valley Rock Art, Peru

This paper considers the role of music and sound possibly depicted in the rock art of the Central Majes Valley (southern Peru) in view of the Middle Horizon musical instruments found at La Real (and Uraca).

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Case of Boulder AP1-001, Alto de Pitis, Peru.

This paper investigates one enormous boulder with numerous petroglyphs at Alto de Pitis, a major rock art site in the Majes Valley of southern Peru. Two types of petroglyphs on this boulder are being described in more detail and discussed within the context of the rock art of the Majes Valley.

By Maarten van Hoek (Revised September 2023)

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Quebrada de La Tuna – Southern Peru

Quebrada de La Tuna is a small, yet important petroglyph site in the Sihuas Valley of southern Peru. As early as 1977 Cuban archaeologist Antonio Núñez Jiménez visited the site and recorded several boulders with petroglyphs. This present study re-describes the site, offering updated information about the rock art (based on our survey of 2008), also explaining the position of Núñez Jiménez.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Three Rivers 3D Masks

In several cases rock art manufacturers were intrigued by natural rock features such as holes and cracks. This paper deals mainly with rock art images of masks that are folded across two rock panels creating 3D masks. In particular the Mogollon 3D masks of Three Rivers in New Mexico, USA, will be discussed. Also the puzzling anomaly regarding the distribution of Mogollon 3D masks and Rio Grande Style 3D masks will be dealt with. Finally, it will be attempted to offer an explanation for the enigmatic 3D masks (PDF available).

By Maarten van Hoek

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Quadruped animals and spirals

The Balma dei Cervi in Crodo is not the only prehistoric painted shelter within the Ossola valleys: not far away, is the Shelter of the Baby Goat in which interesting figures painted in red are found, now almost invisible: two small schematic four legged animals, probably a dog attacking an ibex, a large interweaving figure and a spiral, unique among the rock paintings across the Alps | La Balma dei Cervi di Crodo non è l’unica pittura rupestre preistorica delle valli ossolane: la non lontana Balma del Capretto ospita figure di quadrupedi (un cane che attacca uno stambecco), un’ampia figura a griglia e una spirale, unica tra le pitture rupestri delle Alpi (PDF available)

by Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI Read more

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 45 – December 2019

# 45 – December 2019

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 45

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

45: 1 2 3 4

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Valcamonica Rock Art Fieldwork 2020

The Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society is based in Valcamonica, an Alpine valley in Northern Italy, where rock art constitutes an archaeological, artistic, ethnographic and historical patrimony of inestimable value (UNESCO World Heritage List). In collaboration with the Catholic University of Brescia, Footsteps of Man organizes its annual Valcamonica Rock Art & Archaeology Field School in Paspardo, one of the principal area where engravings are concentrated. The project participants will learn how
to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings at sites around Paspardo. During the field season, visits to the major rock art parks and museums in Valcamonica will be organized.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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A ‘Unique’ Petroglyph Scene in Southern Morocco

Mating scenes involving mammals of the same species are rather rare in global rock art, but surprisingly fighting scenes are even more extraordinary. This study discusses a specific petroglyph panel in the south of Morocco where – in my opinion uniquely – a fighting and a mating scene was recorded by us in 2019. This panel is analysed and put into a wider context.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Rock Art of El Vagón – Moche Drainage, Peru


Despite increasing interest in inventorying of the rock art in the northern coastal area of Peru, only very little has been published by Peruvian scholars. In fact, several scholars said to publish inventories of – for example, Palamenco in Ancash and even of whole departments such as La Libertad – but nothing happens. This interim inventory about El Vagón (La Libertad) hopes to contribute to the digital safeguarding of important rock art that runs the risk to be vandalised or even destroyed.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Enigmatic Configurations in Arequipa Rock Art, Peru

The rock art of Arequipa (southern Peru) is characterised by several idiosyncratic images, like ‘Dancers’. However, also rather simple elements form rare and uncommon configurations that are composed of grooves, arcs of dots and crosses that are hovering over or are emanating from zoomorphic petroglyphs, yet intimately associated. Similar configurations prove to be very rare in global rock art.

By Maarten van Hoek Read more

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 44 – July 2019

# 44 – July 2019

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 44

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

44: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Cuevas con arte rupestre Paleolítico en Cantabria

Cantabria posee más de 70 cuevas con arte rupestre
paleolítico, erigiéndose como una de las regiones con mayor
concentración de conjuntos rupestres paleolíticos en Europa.
Su importancia radica en:
– la cantidad de conjuntos,
– la diversidad de técnicas, temática y estilística,
– la concentración de imágenes, antigüedad y continuidad en el tiempo,
– la calidad y excelente estado de conservación.

by Daniel GARRIDO PIMENTEL [i] Read more

The Incomplete Versus The Unfinished

Only the manufacturer of a rock art image could reliably have informed us whether a rock art image is unfinished or whether it is incomplete. Unfortunately informed knowledge is often completely unavailable. Then only the image and its graphical and cultural context are available to possibly separate the unfinished from the incomplete. Additionally, the incomplete image may even include something invisible. To address these issues I will use the rich rock art repertoire of the Desert Andes, focussing mainly on Toro Muerto and Miculla, two enormous rock art sites in the south of Peru.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Calling Cards: a New Plains Rock Art Site Type

Calling Card rock art sites, drawn by war parties in enemy territory to taunt their adversaries by illustrating deeds executed against them, are a newly identified site type on the northern Plains of North America. One such site is Cheval Bonnet, a small petroglyph in Northern Montana. Containing coup counting and horse raiding narratives from the early 1800s, analysis of these images shows that most of the petroglyphs can be identified as Crow drawings, even though they are carved in the heart of Historic Blackfeet tribal territory. Once this site was identified as a calling card petroglyph, I was able to identify three others elsewhere on the northern Plains (PDF available).

by James D. KEYSER Read more

Balma dei Cervi Virtual Museum, inauguration

La seconda conferenza del ciclo Cultura, storia e arte per l’Ossola dell’Associazione Culturale Mario Ruminelli è programmata per giovedì 16 maggio 2019 alle ore 17 presso la Sala Falcioni ex Cappella Mellerio di Domodossola. Sarà sarà presentato e inaugurato il Museo Virtuale della Balma dei Cervi. The second conference of the Culture, history and art for the Ossola cycle organized by of the Mario Ruminelli Cultural Association is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 5 pm in the Falcioni Hall, formerly the Mellerio Chapel in Domodossola. The Balma dei Cervi Virtual Museum will be presented and inaugurated.

by Paolo NEGRI Read more

Balma dei Cervi, make-up a story about…

Le figure della Balma dei Cervi sono in grado di stimolare un’ampia varietà di laboratori didattici: utilizzando diverse tecniche di pittura o di incisione su rame e legno possono essere create vere e proprie gallerie artistiche. Le stesse figure, trasformate nei personaggi di un racconto o di una poesia possono ispirare laboratori di scrittura creativa e di teatro. The Balma dei Cervi figures can inspire a wide variety of educational activities; you can create your own realistic art galleries using a variety of techniques such as painting, copper embossing and wood engraving. These same figures, turned into characters from a story or elements of a poem, may inspire creative-writing workshops and theatre performances. .

by Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI Read more

Balma dei Cervi, at the roots of our prehistory

Il territorio di Crodo ospita una delle più importanti pareti con pitture rupestri preistoriche di tutto l’arco alpino. Oltre 100 figure dipinte, di cui trenta umane maschili e femminili, schematiche, a braccia in su e in giù, quasi tutte prive di testa, forse anche con scene di parto. Numerosi gli allineamenti di pallini, spesso abbinati ai personaggi umani. One of the most important rock shelters with prehistoric paintings in the whole of the Alpine Arc is found in the territory of Crodo. Over 100 painted images have been recorded, including 30 schematic male and female human figures, some with upraised arms others facing downwards, almost all of which are without a head, including some possible representations of birth scenes..

by Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI Read more

Balma dei Cervi, archaeology and research

Le pitture della Balma dei Cervi, soggette ai danni del tempo e ai rischi di degrado antropico, costituiscono un bene culturale raro, prezioso ed estremamente delicato. Le esigenze di protezione e le notevoli difficoltà di accesso ne sconsigliano la musealizzazione in loco. Il programma di documentazione, valorizzazione e comunicazione è coordinato dalla Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio.. The rock paintings of the Shelter of the Deer are rare, precious an extremely delicate cultural assets. They are endangered by the deterioration of time and by the risks of damage caused by humans. Safeguard requirements and difficulties in access discourage the creation of a Museum in the field. The documentation, valorisation and communication plan is coordinated by the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape.

by Francesco RUBAT BOREL Read more

Benvenuti a Crodo, welcome to Crodo!

Il territorio di Crodo è situato in quella lingua delle Alpi Piemontesi che s’incunea tra la Svizzera tedesca e quella italiana. È ricchissimo di risorse naturali e culturali. La scoperta della Balma dei Cervi è per Crodo un ulteriore elemento di ricchezza: a tutti i visitatori il mio caloroso benvenuto nel nostro territorio e nel nostro Museo Virtuale!
The territory of Crodo is located in that portion of the Piedmontese Alps that is wedged between the German and Italian speaking parts of Switzerland. The discovery of the Balma dei Cervi is another richness of Crodo: to all visitors, my warmest welcome to our territory and to our Virtual Museum!.

by Ermanno SAVOIA

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The Cupules of the Imaoun Complex, Southern Morocco

In the area just south of the Anti-Atlas numerous rock art sites have been recorded. However, there are remarkably few rock art panels with cupules in that area. This study describes a surprisingly high number of cupule panels in the Imaoun area, north of the town of Akka in southern Morocco, which represents a true anomaly in this respect.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Valcamonica fieldwork 2019, again rock art!

Tracing prehistory: from July 18 to August 08 2019 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. We are working on engraved rocks made by prehistoric and protohistoric people during the Neolithic (six thousand years ago), Bronze Age and Iron Age (from four thousand to two thousand years ago).This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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