Archive for Talks – lectures – conferenze

Naquane, festa dei musei


Sabato 20 maggio 2017 alle ore 15 presso il parco Nazionale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Naquane a Capo di Ponte (BS) Navigando sulla grande Roccia, presentazione del tour virtuale della Roccia 1 del Parco di Naquane; dalle 20 alle 23 apertura straordinaria del parco con visita notturna delle rocce incise

by TRACCE editor

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Chenal: il riparo inciso – the engraved shelter

Chenal schelter

Chenal shelter

Una recente scoperta: le più antiche figure post-paleolitiche dell’arte rupestre alpina. A recent discovery: the most ancient post-palaeolithic figures of the alpine rock art. Venerdì 9 maggio 2014 ore 17.30 presentazione pubblica ad Aosta; Friday, May 9, 2014 5:30 p.m. public presentation at Aosta (I).


by A. Arcà, D. Daudry, A. Fossati, F. Morello, L. Raiteri, L. Bornaz

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Oukaimeden, a Moroccan rock art site


Oukaimeden engraving

Here some slides and draft notes of a lecture I delivered in 2010, after visiting Oukaimeden in April 2007. I’m pleased to share pictures, but also some ideas: comments are welcome. Oukaimeden is a very important petroglyphic complex, showing Copper or Ancient Bronze  Age (III-beginnings of II mill. BC) engraved weapons, and also  interesting points of contact with similar European petroglpyhs, from the Iberian peninsula to the Alpine arc, Mt. Bego particularly. Last but not least, it is also a beautiful natural site...

by Andrea Arcà (Footsteps of Man – IIPP)

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