Archive for TRACCE Onl. RA Bull. WP issues

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 46 – October 2020

# 46 – October 2020

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 46

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

46: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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Les cavaliers dans l’art rupestre. Le cas du Maroc

Foum Chenna, Maroc

Dans tous les pays du Maghreb et du Sahara, en plein air ou sous abri, on peut rencontrer une petite figure, gravée ou peinte, connue dans la littérature spécialisée ou de divulgation sous l’appellation de cavalier “libyco-berbère”. Puisque cette image est très répandue, il semble qu’elle n’ait pas de secret et que du cavalier tout soit connu : son armement, le harnais de sa monture, jusqu’à son rôle dans la société de l’époque. Rien de plus faux. Au Maroc, nous pouvons observer combien le monde des cavaliers était diversifié en visitant les deux gisements principaux : le site de Foum Chenna dans la vallée du Draa (Maroc méridional) et le plateau aux pieds du Jebel Rat, dans le Haut Atlas central, le premier abritant 2550 gravures, le deuxième 1800 dont 800 appartiennent à la phase des cavaliers (pdf disponible).

par Alessandra BRAVIN Read more

Valcamonica, visit the Great Rock !

NAQ1 virtual tour door

October 9, 2020: on the occasion of the European Day of Rock Art it is a real pleasure to invite enthusiasts and scholars to visit the Great Rock of Naquane in Valcamonica and to surf over it. Just find the door, open it with a click, and enter the virtual tour. The Great Rock is the most richly engraved of the Park. You can move along the wooden walkways just as if you were doing a real visit: you can closely observe the surface, discover every detail, navigate by moving like a bird’s eye, approaching and moving away at will. So, feel comfortable in your home, and start your virtual journey inside Naquane and Valcamonica rock art (PDF available).

by Andrea ARCÀ Read more

Valcamonica, visita la Grande Roccia !

NAQ1, la porta del tour virtuale

In occasione del 9 ottobre, Giornata Europea dell’Arte Rupestre, è un vero piacere invitare gli appassionati e gli studiosi di arte rupestre a visitare la Grande Roccia di Naquane e a navigare lungo la sua superficie incisa. Basta trovare la porticina, aprirla con un click ed immergersi nel tour virtuale. La Grande Roccia è la più riccamente istoriata di tutto il Parco di Naquane. Puoi muoverti lungo le passerelle di legno come se tu la stessi visitando dal vivo, osservare da vicino le scene e le figure preistoriche, scoprire ogni dettaglio, navigare tra i settori incisi muovendoti a volo d’uccello, avvicinandoti e allontanandoti a volontà. E dunque, stai comodo a casa tua e inizia il tuo viaggio a Naquane, immergendoti nell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica (PDF disponibile).

di Andrea ARCÀ Read more

Naquane, Valcamonica, the Great Rock

NAQ1 deer figure

(October 9, 2020, European Day of Rock Art). With its 104 engraved rocks, the National Rock Art Park of Naquane is the main archaeological site of Valcamonica and one of the most important European rock art sites. The best-known rock is the n. 1, called the Great Rock for its size; more than two thousand figures have been engraved over its surface: deer hunting scenes, acrobatic riders, sword duels, women with hands up, wooden barns, ducks, geese and chickens, the mysterious palettes … a virtual tour allow to discover it, to enjoy the panorama, to fly over its engraved figures looking at ultra high-res pictures, tracings and 3D models (PDF available).

by Andrea ARCÀ Read more

Naquane, Valcamonica, la Grande Roccia

NAQ1, settore P

(9 ottobre 2020, Giornata Europea dell’Arte Rupestre). Con le sue 104 rocce incise, il Parco Nazionale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Naquane costituisce il principale sito archeologico della Valcamonica e uno dei più importanti complessi europei di arte rupestre. La roccia più conosciuta è la n. 1, nota anche come Grande Roccia per le sue dimensioni; sulla sua superficie sono state incise più di 2mila figure: scene di caccia al cervo, di cavalcatura acrobatica, duelli alla spada, donne a braccia levate, granai di legno, oche, papere e galline, le misteriose palette …  un tour virtuale permette di scoprirla, di godere della vista del panorama, di sorvolare le sue figure incise osservando  riprese fotografiche, rilievi iconografici e modelli 3D ad altissima risoluzione (PDF disponibile).

di Andrea ARCÀ Read more

L’arte rupestre della Valcamonica in 20 minuti

Valcamonica 20 minutes

Il progetto L’arte rupestre della Valcamonica in 20 minuti, ideato e organizzato da Le Orme dell’Uomo (Cerveno, Valcamonica), intende presentare in modo facile e descrittivo l’arte rupestre della Valcamonica attraverso una serie di video di semplici lezioni, conferenze e attività didattiche, della durata di circa 20 minuti ciascuna, tenute online da esperti archeologi, studiosi del settore e insegnanti. I video si articolano in tre differenti settori: cronologia (lezioni e conferenze sulle varie fasi dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica), temi e visite virtuali (quali la rosa camuna, le impronte di piede, i telai, le palette, le rocce e i siti di maggiore interesse), didattica (con una sezione dedicata).

di Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI, Marisa D. GIORGI Read more

Valcamonica rock art in 20 minutes

Valcamonica 20 minutes

The project  Valcamonica Rock Art in 20 minutes, conceived and organized by Footsteps of Man (Cerveno, Valcamonica), intends to present the rock art of Valcamonica in an easy and descriptive way through simple lessons, conferences, and didactic activities lasting about 20 minutes, each held online by expert archaeologists, scholars in the field, and teachers. The videos are divided into three different sectors: chronology (lectures-lessons on the various periods of the rock art of Valcamonica), themes, and virtual visits (such as Camunnian roses, footprints, looms, palettes, or the most important engraved rocks), education (with a special section).

by Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI, Marisa D. GIORGI Read more

Defecating Elephants in Messak Rock Art – An Anomaly?

In this paper I discuss the graphical displays of a natural bodily function that is, although – from top to bottom – normal in the natural world, very rare in rock art. It concerns images of defecating elephants, which – enigmatically – occur well above average in the Messak-Tadrart region of the Central Sahara. It will be attempted to explain this anomaly (PDF available).

By Maarten van Hoek

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Enfrentando los dibujos… ¡otra vez! (Perú)

With great interest I have watched the YouTube Video called: Charla Rupestre: Los Petroglifos de Chillihuay. Arequipa, Perú by Maritza Rodríguez Cerrón and Daniel Chumpitaz Llerena (21 August 2020), two leading Peruvian archaeologists who have intensively surveyed the important rock art site of Chillihuay in southern Peru. However, a couple of those drawings in their 2014-paper drew my attention, as they proved to be incorrect  (PDF available).

by Maarten van Hoek – rockart Read more

The Three Rivers 3D Masks

In several cases rock art manufacturers were intrigued by natural rock features such as holes and cracks. This paper deals mainly with rock art images of masks that are folded across two rock panels creating 3D masks. In particular the Mogollon 3D masks of Three Rivers in New Mexico, USA, will be discussed. Also the puzzling anomaly regarding the distribution of Mogollon 3D masks and Rio Grande Style 3D masks will be dealt with. Finally, it will be attempted to offer an explanation for the enigmatic 3D masks (PDF available).

By Maarten van Hoek

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Quadruped animals and spirals

The Balma dei Cervi in Crodo is not the only prehistoric painted shelter within the Ossola valleys: not far away, is the Shelter of the Baby Goat in which interesting figures painted in red are found, now almost invisible: two small schematic four legged animals, probably a dog attacking an ibex, a large interweaving figure and a spiral, unique among the rock paintings across the Alps | La Balma dei Cervi di Crodo non è l’unica pittura rupestre preistorica delle valli ossolane: la non lontana Balma del Capretto ospita figure di quadrupedi (un cane che attacca uno stambecco), un’ampia figura a griglia e una spirale, unica tra le pitture rupestri delle Alpi (PDF available)

by Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI Read more

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 45 – December 2019

# 45 – December 2019

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 45

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

45: 1 2 3 4

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TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 44 – July 2019

# 44 – July 2019

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 44

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

44: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Cuevas con arte rupestre Paleolítico en Cantabria

Cantabria posee más de 70 cuevas con arte rupestre
paleolítico, erigiéndose como una de las regiones con mayor
concentración de conjuntos rupestres paleolíticos en Europa.
Su importancia radica en:
– la cantidad de conjuntos,
– la diversidad de técnicas, temática y estilística,
– la concentración de imágenes, antigüedad y continuidad en el tiempo,
– la calidad y excelente estado de conservación.

by Daniel GARRIDO PIMENTEL [i] Read more

The Incomplete Versus The Unfinished

Only the manufacturer of a rock art image could reliably have informed us whether a rock art image is unfinished or whether it is incomplete. Unfortunately informed knowledge is often completely unavailable. Then only the image and its graphical and cultural context are available to possibly separate the unfinished from the incomplete. Additionally, the incomplete image may even include something invisible. To address these issues I will use the rich rock art repertoire of the Desert Andes, focussing mainly on Toro Muerto and Miculla, two enormous rock art sites in the south of Peru.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Calling Cards: a New Plains Rock Art Site Type

Calling Card rock art sites, drawn by war parties in enemy territory to taunt their adversaries by illustrating deeds executed against them, are a newly identified site type on the northern Plains of North America. One such site is Cheval Bonnet, a small petroglyph in Northern Montana. Containing coup counting and horse raiding narratives from the early 1800s, analysis of these images shows that most of the petroglyphs can be identified as Crow drawings, even though they are carved in the heart of Historic Blackfeet tribal territory. Once this site was identified as a calling card petroglyph, I was able to identify three others elsewhere on the northern Plains (PDF available).

by James D. KEYSER Read more

Balma dei Cervi Virtual Museum, inauguration

La seconda conferenza del ciclo Cultura, storia e arte per l’Ossola dell’Associazione Culturale Mario Ruminelli è programmata per giovedì 16 maggio 2019 alle ore 17 presso la Sala Falcioni ex Cappella Mellerio di Domodossola. Sarà sarà presentato e inaugurato il Museo Virtuale della Balma dei Cervi. The second conference of the Culture, history and art for the Ossola cycle organized by of the Mario Ruminelli Cultural Association is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 5 pm in the Falcioni Hall, formerly the Mellerio Chapel in Domodossola. The Balma dei Cervi Virtual Museum will be presented and inaugurated.

by Paolo NEGRI Read more