Archive for Tracing

Valcamonica, visit the Great Rock !

NAQ1 virtual tour door

October 9, 2020: on the occasion of the European Day of Rock Art it is a real pleasure to invite enthusiasts and scholars to visit the Great Rock of Naquane in Valcamonica and to surf over it. Just find the door, open it with a click, and enter the virtual tour. The Great Rock is the most richly engraved of the Park. You can move along the wooden walkways just as if you were doing a real visit: you can closely observe the surface, discover every detail, navigate by moving like a bird’s eye, approaching and moving away at will. So, feel comfortable in your home, and start your virtual journey inside Naquane and Valcamonica rock art (PDF available).

by Andrea ARCÀ Read more

Valcamonica, visita la Grande Roccia !

NAQ1, la porta del tour virtuale

In occasione del 9 ottobre, Giornata Europea dell’Arte Rupestre, è un vero piacere invitare gli appassionati e gli studiosi di arte rupestre a visitare la Grande Roccia di Naquane e a navigare lungo la sua superficie incisa. Basta trovare la porticina, aprirla con un click ed immergersi nel tour virtuale. La Grande Roccia è la più riccamente istoriata di tutto il Parco di Naquane. Puoi muoverti lungo le passerelle di legno come se tu la stessi visitando dal vivo, osservare da vicino le scene e le figure preistoriche, scoprire ogni dettaglio, navigare tra i settori incisi muovendoti a volo d’uccello, avvicinandoti e allontanandoti a volontà. E dunque, stai comodo a casa tua e inizia il tuo viaggio a Naquane, immergendoti nell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica (PDF disponibile).

di Andrea ARCÀ Read more

Valcamonica Rock Art Fieldwork 2020

The Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society is based in Valcamonica, an Alpine valley in Northern Italy, where rock art constitutes an archaeological, artistic, ethnographic and historical patrimony of inestimable value (UNESCO World Heritage List). In collaboration with the Catholic University of Brescia, Footsteps of Man organizes its annual Valcamonica Rock Art & Archaeology Field School in Paspardo, one of the principal area where engravings are concentrated. The project participants will learn how
to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings at sites around Paspardo. During the field season, visits to the major rock art parks and museums in Valcamonica will be organized.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Balma dei Cervi, at the roots of our prehistory

Il territorio di Crodo ospita una delle più importanti pareti con pitture rupestri preistoriche di tutto l’arco alpino. Oltre 100 figure dipinte, di cui trenta umane maschili e femminili, schematiche, a braccia in su e in giù, quasi tutte prive di testa, forse anche con scene di parto. Numerosi gli allineamenti di pallini, spesso abbinati ai personaggi umani. One of the most important rock shelters with prehistoric paintings in the whole of the Alpine Arc is found in the territory of Crodo. Over 100 painted images have been recorded, including 30 schematic male and female human figures, some with upraised arms others facing downwards, almost all of which are without a head, including some possible representations of birth scenes..

by Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI Read more

Valcamonica, fieldwork 2016

roseduel150Tracing prehistory: from July 21 to August 11 2016 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Rock Art in Jebel Akhdar, Oman

Bilad Sayt

Bilad Sayt

The petroglyphs and pictographs of Oman are little known, but for the last five years I have been involved in a series of surveys of the Jebel Akhdar Mountains that have resulted in the location of several important sites. Recording these in advance of construction projects undertaken to modernize the country’s transportation network has enabled me to study the rock art in considerable detail for the first time. Using superimpositions, cross-dating with known artistic expressions elsewhere in the region, and the known dates for introduction of various objects of material culture, I propose a preliminary chronology consisting of four major phases spanning the last 6,000 years.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati
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Great Rock of Naquane, digital practices

Naquane vector

Naquane vector

[CAA 2015 – session 3C abstract]

Like archaeology in general, rock art studies need to record, study and share data: a large set of electronic instruments – for graphics and for the data analysis – are to be intended as a fundamental tool box for the careful and up-to-date rock art archaeologist…

by Andrea ARCÀ

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