Archive for Asia

Enigmatic Configurations in Arequipa Rock Art, Peru

The rock art of Arequipa (southern Peru) is characterised by several idiosyncratic images, like ‘Dancers’. However, also rather simple elements form rare and uncommon configurations that are composed of grooves, arcs of dots and crosses that are hovering over or are emanating from zoomorphic petroglyphs, yet intimately associated. Similar configurations prove to be very rare in global rock art.

By Maarten van Hoek Read more

Piovono capre: i capridi nell’arte rupestre dell’Iran


Iran, goat-like figure

Il testo qui proposto vuole essere una breve sintesi di quanto si è potuto osservare durante una serie di visite, tra aprile e maggio 2013, in tre siti con arte rupestre in Iran: Kalateh Abdol e Shotor Sang, entrambi prossimi alla città di Mashhad, nella regione del Khorasan, e la zona della piana di Teymareh nella provincia di Khomein, a metà strada tra Tehrān e Esfahan. I siti con arte rupestre in Iran offrono una visione d’insieme che appare di straordinaria importanza e ricchezza. Al loro interno i capridi costituiscono un soggetto di primaria importanza e di vasta diffusione.

by Dario SIGARI Read more

Rock Art in Jebel Akhdar, Oman

Bilad Sayt

Bilad Sayt

The petroglyphs and pictographs of Oman are little known, but for the last five years I have been involved in a series of surveys of the Jebel Akhdar Mountains that have resulted in the location of several important sites. Recording these in advance of construction projects undertaken to modernize the country’s transportation network has enabled me to study the rock art in considerable detail for the first time. Using superimpositions, cross-dating with known artistic expressions elsewhere in the region, and the known dates for introduction of various objects of material culture, I propose a preliminary chronology consisting of four major phases spanning the last 6,000 years.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati
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Save Mount Latmos rock art! (petition)

Einzigartige Natur- und Kulturlandschaft vor

Karadere Cave

On line petition (please sign it!) to the Turkey Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs. Discovered in 1994 by the Berlin archaeologist Dr. Anneliese Peschlow-Bindokat, these rock paintings date back to the 6th and 5th millennia B.C.  They are now greatly endangered by increased stone quarrying in the area: the exploitation of feldspar is causing the drastic metamorphosis of the Latmos from a sacred mountain into a source for bathroom installations!

by APB (online petition)

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Latmos Mountains (Turkey), endangered rock paintings

Latmos paintings

Baliktas paintings

The living environment of the Latmos Mountains and of its communities are threatened by the deforestation caused by feldspar quarrying. The cultural heritage looks back upon a long history, from the Neolithic period up to the Ottoman Empire. More than 170 sites of rock drawings (6th/5th millennia BC) are known, representing one of the most important discoveries in prehistoric archaeology during the past decades in Anatolia. Television documentaries, newspaper reports, symposia and demonstrations, have not succeeded in preventing the devastation of the landscape… please sign the online petition!

by Anneliese Peschlow-Bindokat

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2014 IFRAO Guiyang Congress

Yunnan rock art

Yunnan rock art

With the rapid economic development in China and the increasing influence of the Chinese culture, China is ready to be the new host of the IFRAO (International Federation of Rock Art Organisations) world Congress. Congress Date: July 16-18, 2014 (July 15 for registration). Congress Venue: Guiyang Pullman Hotel. Guizhou Province, located in the center of the Southwestern China, is rich in the resources of rock art and facilitates rock art investigation with its convenient transport.

by the organizing Committe Office

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Rock art and archaeology in Syria

Ain al-Abd

Dear Colleagues, The preliminary report of Campaign 2004 at the archaeological and rock-art sites of the Hemma Plateau (Hassake, Syria) is now on-line. Archéologie et art rupestre à Khishâm (Hassake, Syrie). Vous trouverez le rapport préliminaire de la Campagne 2004 sur le site web du Centre de Recherche “Espaces et Sociétés – approches comparatives” (ULB).

by Paul Van Berg

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Bhimbetka cave paintings (India)

Bhimbhetka paintings

I am sending some photographs of pre-historic cave paintings at Bhimbetka,Madhya Pradesh, India (taken by me) which you may like to publish in TRACCE bulletin. I shall be thankful if my name is mentioned as contributor.

by Sarbanidas Roy

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The Book of Stars

Armenian rock art

TRACCE no. 12 – by E. Sargsyan, A. Sahakyan, S. Petrosyan

Due to the historical sources testimony, the description of the modern terrestrial constellation reached us from the text in poems of Arat – II (III century BC), the poet from Alexandria.

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Industrialization versus rock art

Jhinjhiri, Katani

TRACCE no. 12 – by Yashodar Mathpal

Industrialization versus rock art: a fight for survival.
With the developing pace of industrialization, the rock art is facing a danger of extinction in several parts of India.

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Ancient Rock Carvings of Hong Kong

Kau Sai Chau

TRACCE no. 12 – by Chris Kirtley

Recent archaeological excavations have revealed evidence of human habitation (4,000 years ago). In addition, several rock carvings have been discovered dating from around 3,000 years ago.

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Hong Kong, Wong Chuk Hang rock carving

Wong Chuk Hang

TRACCE no. 12 – by Chris Kirtley

Wong Chuk Hang rock carving is the most evocative of all the Hong Kong sites. This is the only Hong Kong carving which is not directly situated by the sea (short video available).

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Rock Art in Russian Far East and in Siberia


TRACCE no. 11 – by † Burchard Brentjes

Rock Art in Russian Far East and in Siberia. A bird’s eye view over a continent.
There are about half a million of petroglyphs known in Siberia and the Far East of Russia. Mobody knows up to now how many are still to be discovered

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International Prehistoric Art Conference


TRACCE no. 10 – by Elena Mìklashevich

International Prehistoric Art Conference 3-8 August 1998, Kemerovo, RUSSIA.
Organized by:
– Siberian Association of Prehistoric Art Research (SAPAR)
– Kemerovo State University
– Museum-Preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa” .
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Rock Art in the Himalayas


TRACCE no. 10 – by Yashodahar Mathpal

The Himalayas are the highest land formations on our globe. Traditionally they are identified as the embodiment of God, and therefore, are allowed with a divine aura. The Indian mysticism and spirituality are largely associated with these awe-inspiring glittering lofty masses. Read more

Orientalizing motives in alpine rock art

Pazyryk horse

TRACCE no. 10 – by † Burchard Brentjes

Orientalizing motives in alpine rock art.
The rich ensemble of rock art in the Valle Camonica comprises several motives for which oriental parallels could be mentioned.
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Pakistan Rock Art Photo Gallery


TRACCE no. 7 – by Ulrich Schendzielorz

The photos were produced in 1994 as an assignment of the German science magazine ‘Bild der Wissenschaft’ in cooperation with Prof. Harald Hauptmann of the ‘Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften’. Read more

Die Felsbildstation Shatial (Pakistan)


TRACCE no. 7 – by Martin Bemmann

The second volume of “Materialien zur Archaeologie der Nordgebiete Pakistans” is dealing with the petroglyph site Shatial, 60km west of Chilas in the upper Indus valley of Pakistan. Read more