Archive for Darfo Congress 97

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 9 – Oct 1997

Rock Art Congress

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin no. 9
18 September 1997 – cover and index only

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1997 Congress pre-acts: index

Rock Art Congress

TRACCE no. 9 – by RA Congress

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
complete program and abstracts
Archaeology and Rock Art: Europe – Alps – Valcamonica
2-5 October 1997

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1997 Congress timetable

Rock Art Congress

TRACCE no. 9 – by RA Congress

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
complete program and abstracts
Archaeology and Rock Art: Europe – Alps – Valcamonica
2-5 October 1997

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La via delle Aquane

Rock Art Congress

TRACCE no. 9 – by Camuri – Musitelli

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
La via delle Aquane – itinerari nella sacralità dell’acqua.
Come il vischio si abbarbica alla quercia, talvolta toponomastica, leggende, vita dei santi, crescono sul ceppo antico dell’arte rupestre.

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Elementi della tradizione iniziatica

Rock Art Congress

TRACCE no. 9 – by Maria Cristina Citroni

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Elementi della tradizione iniziatica sciamanica in alcune incisioni rupestri della Valcamonica.
In questa analisi si vogliono leggere alcune incisioni rupestri della Val Camonica alla luce del loro significato simbolico.

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Pattern and Function at Jeffers Petroglyphs

Jeffers petroglyph

TRACCE no. 9 – by Robert Alan Clouse

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Pattern and Function at Jeffers Petroglyphs, Minnesota, USA.
The Jeffers Petroglyphs site in the Midwestern United States contains over 2,000 recorded carvings, some of which likely date to 5,000 B.P.

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Preliminary Report

Budapest brick

TRACCE no. 9 – by Katalin Ernyey

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Preliminary Report: they had been engraving bricks more than half a century…
Engraved bricks, absolutely similar to prehistoric ones, in their physical character, were found, last spring in Budapest, by the author.

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Giocare sulla pietra


TRACCE no. 9 – by Carlo Gavazzi

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Giocare sulla pietra nell’occidente d’Italia: 213 tavolieri incisi da Domodossola a Lucca
Negli ultimi quattro anni una ricerca condotta nelle tre regioni più occidentali d’Italia ha permesso di identificare 177 incisioni rupestri e graffiti raffiguranti tavolieri.

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Côa Valley three years after

Palaeolithic horses

TRACCE no. 9 – by Mila Simões de Abreu

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Giocare sulla pietra nell’occidente d’Italia: 213 tavolieri incisi da Domodossola a Lucca
In November 1994 many worldwide RA researchers were surprised by the announcement of the “discovery” of the engraved rocks in Canada do Inferno, Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Portugal.

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Bronze Age sculpted caves in the Périgord

Les Fraux

TRACCE no. 9 – by Norbert Aujoulat – Christian Chevillot

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Bronze Age sculpted caves in the Périgord (Dordogne – France)
The Périgord has been famous since the XIX c. for its wealth of caves painted and sculpted in the Palaeolithic era…

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Nuove figure schematiche antropomorfe

Grotta del Papa

TRACCE no. 9 – by Bert D’Arragon

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Nuove figure schematiche antropomorfe dalla Sardegna prenuragica: le pitture rupestri della Grotta del Papa, isola di Tavolara (SS – I)

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La Gardette, sky-line at 125° N

La Gardette

TRACCE no. 9 – by Leo Dubal

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
The “historical sequence” of rock art starts with pieces with imitative vocation. They are isolated pieces, intimate, recluse. They are pieces of stolen life, which are not readily exhibite.

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Prehistoric paintings in the Val De Varri’s cave

Rock Art Congress

TRACCE no. 9 – by Fabio Sebasti, Samou Camara

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Recent discoveries of prehistoric paintings in the Val De Varri’s cave (Rieti, Central Italy).
The Val de’ Varri cave, placed represents the first known settlement of the middle Bronze Age of Latium…

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Rock-Carvings from the Geghamian Range

Rock Art Congress

TRACCE no. 9 – by Karen S. Tokhatian

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
The Chronology of Rock-Carvings with Cosmological Meaning from the Geghamian Range (Armenia) .
There exist about 20 thousand petroglyphs in our country, which are on the Geghamian, Siunic mountain ranges and on the mount Aragats, at over 2500m height…

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Rio Sabor Rock Art discovery

June 1997

TRACCE no. 9 – by Ludwig Jaffe, Mila Simões de Abreu

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Rio Sabor Rock Art discovery (Trás-os-Montes Portugal).
The Côa Dam will be substituted by “Laranjera dam”, Sabor river. Also there Palaeolithic style figures have been found, though their importance has been questioned.

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La roccia degli stambecchi

Ibexes rock

TRACCE no. 9 – by A. Arcà, F.M. Gambari, G. Mennella

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
La roccia degli stambecchi: un’iscrizione latina reinterpreta incisioni dell’età del Ferro?
Una roccia in prossimità di un piccolo bacino lacustre (comune di Lanslevillard) mostra una scena di caccia allo stambecco…

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Meaning in the rock-engravings of Mont Bégo

Mt. Bego

TRACCE no. 9 – by Lawrence Barfield, Christopher Chippindale

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Meaning in the rock-engravings of Mont Bégo, Alpes-Maritimes, France
What did the celebrated petroglyphs of Mont Bégo mean, in the lives of the people who made them?

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Incisioni rupestri in Valvarrone

Rock Art Congress

TRACCE no. 9 – by Antonio Bellati

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
La Valvarrone è una valle incassata tra le Prealpi Orobie occidentali sita immediatamente a sud del Grande Solco vallivo valtellinese che affianca fino all’altezza di Morbegno.

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