TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin no. 13
29 April 2001 – cover, index and intro only
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TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 13 – Apr 2001
8.2.2002 – Black Day for Rock-Art
TRACCE no. 13 – by Robert G. Bednarik
This is a black day in the history of global endeavours to preserve the cultural heritage of humanity, and in more ways than one. For one thing, it condemns one of Europe’s greatest art treasures to permanent destruction.
Guadiana last day
TRACCE no. 13 – by Mila Simoes de Abreu, Andrea Arcà
Alea jacta est. Within few hours the Portuguese-Spanish Alqueva dam water will start to submerge thousands of years of human history and archaeological remains: hundreds of prehistoric engraved rocks, Roman mills, millenarian olive-groves and cork-plantations will be lost forever under the Portuguese Archaeological Institute blessing.
The Molino Manzanez site
TRACCE no. 13 – by TRACCE editor
Durante los meses de Enero y Febrero de 2001 un equipo de 15 realizaron todos los trabajos de documentación pertinentes del conjunto de grabados rupestres prehistóricos localizados en este pequeño enclave geográfico de la provincia de Badajoz.
Portugal: damned dams again
TRACCE no. 13 – by M. Simoes de Abreu, A. Arcà, A. Fossati
With the complicity of the European Union new large and important rock art areas will be submerged by the Alqueva dam (Portugal – Spain).
The plight of Portuguese rock art
TRACCE no. 13 – TRACCE open access papers
Arcà A., Bednarik R.G., Fossati A., Jaffe L., Simões De Abreu M. 2001.
Damned dams again: the plight of Portuguese rock art, Rock Art Research 2001, volume 18, n. 1, special report insert, pp. i-viii
UISPP motion for the Guadiana rock Art
TRACCE no. 13 – by UISPP
Lors de la réunion du Conseil Permanent du vendredi 7 septembre 2001, réunie à Liège (Belgique), la motion suivante a été proposée et acceptée. Par la suite, elle a été présenté lors de l’Assemblée générale de l’UISPP, tenue à Bruxelles le samedi 8 septembre.
The IFRAO position
TRACCE no. 13 – by Mila Simoes de Abreu, IFRAO Portugal
The International Federation of Rock Art Organizations applauds the important discovery of rock-engravings by the river Guadiana in Spain and Portugal, in a zone that will be flooded by the Alqueva dam.
A posição do IFRAO
TRACCE no. 13 – de Mila Simoes de Abreu, IFRAO Portugal
Nomeação imediata de uma comissão internacional de acompanhamento verdadeiramente independente. Demissão dos responsáveis do IPA e do CNART que não verificaram o trabalho levado a cabo pela EDIA. Participação internacional do esforço de prospecção, levantamento e estudo das gravuras rupestres do rio Guadiana.
European project statement
TRACCE no. 13 – by Past Signs and present Memories project
The recent discovery of an important prehistoric art complex in the Iberian Peninsula, in the Guadiana valley, imposes itself as a reason for joy, but also for concern, from the archaeologists and European citizens.
The LINKS page
TRACCE no. 13 – by Editor
Guadiana rock art related links dating back to 2011. Most of these links are no more working (try Google and Web Archive – Wayback machine): perhaps a broom blow was given over an underwater but still hot problem…
Alqueva Dam in southern Portugal
TRACCE no. 13 – by Movimento Cota 139
How EU and national policies can still promote unsustainable models of rural development that destroy habitats and species protected under EU law.
Minimisation? It works (IMHO)!
TRACCE no. 13 – by IMHO – The International Minimisation Heritage Organisation
A new technique has been found: it is called the “MINIMISATION”. Really very simple: it is sufficient to “MINIMISE” the impact of the dam over the natural and the cultural environment by MINIMISING the natural and the cultural heritage itself. The Columbus’ egg!.
Alqueva SOS petition
TRACCE no. 13 – by International Rock Art Community
List of people who endorsed the petition to Portuguese government and European Union till the 18 February 2002.
Originally posted at:
Guadiana rock art gallery – Spanish side
TRACCE no. 13 – by Editor
16 pictures from the Spanish side of the Guadiana river: environment and rock art (now submerged by the dam)
Guadiana rock art gallery – Portuguese side
TRACCE no. 13 – by Editor
22 pictures from the Portuguese side of the Guadiana river: many different kinds of rock art figures, now submerged by the dam
Los Molinos de Cheles
TRACCE no. 13 – by TRACCE editor
(de Cheles 2000 en imágenes)
Esto es un fragmento del libro en el que muestro las fotografías y describo los paisajes, monumentos, fauna y flora próximos a Cheles que van a desaparecer cuando se termine el embalse de Alqueva. En este fragmento están los molinos. es el capítulo más largo del libro.
Jacinto Gil Sierra