TRACCE special issue
On the occasion of the Valcamonica summer fieldschool
21st July -11 August 2016 Paspardo (BS – I)
Edited by Dario SIGARI
With its new look, this issue of TRACCE Online Rock Art Bullettin publishes a special edition dedicated to the lectures held during the 2015 summer school in Paspardo, Valcamonica.
As any reader may notice, contributions embrace a very wide spectrum of subjects, in order to offer a multidiscplinary approach. Every year several archaeologists and academics held lectures which now being published.
This special issue contains a contribution by Ceci and Roncoroni about deviant burials, introducing us into a debate about belief systems, and one by Camuri who discusses the meaning of landscape in art. Two other essays are mainly focused on rock art from different countries: the first, by Giorgi, presents rock art in Australia and its interpretation and spirituality; the second by Sigari, offering a synthesis on goat figures found at rock art sites in Iran. We then close this special issue with a contribution by Prays, Lang, Kaupenjohann and Gundelwein, who present a palaeoenvironmental study in Sudan, relating to the building of a fortress and water resources affected by changes in the climate.
Finally special thanks to all those who decided to contribute, looking towards a new development of TRACCE. The plan now is to continue publishing special issues dedicated to specific topics and transcriptions of lectures held during fieldschools.
The entire issue is under Creative Commons licence, as we believe that in this way knowledge may be easily shared.
- Valcamonica, fieldwork and lectures summer 2016
by Footsteps of Man - La paura del ritorno: sepolture “anomale” nel mondo antico e moderno, by Francesca CECI & Francesca RONCORONI
- Facies locorum. Paesaggi e arte rupestre,
by Giacomo CAMURI - Rock art across Australia: spirituality and interpretation of Australian indigenous rock art tradition within the past and contemporary context, by Marisa GIORGI
- Piovono capre. I capridi nell’arte rupestre dell’Iran,
by Dario SIGARI - Water supply of the fortress Gala Abu Ahmed. Palaeoenvironmental studies in NW-Sudan,
by Nadia PRAYS, Friederike LANG, Martin KAUPENJOHANN, Andreas GUNDELWEIN
Quest’opera è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione – Non commerciale
Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0
International License
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