TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin no. 7
. . . On Line Rock Art Bulletin ———> by Footsteps of Man Number Send texts and images for next issue Maintained by Footsteps of Man (Le Orme dell’Uomo) archaeological Cooperative, piazza Donatori di Sangue 1 – 25040 CERVENO (BS) – ITALY – phone +39-364-433.983 fax +39-364-43.43.51 Best viewed with Netscape 3.0 and 800 x 600 – 64K colors screen
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The Camunian Rose, also known from Ilkley moor as the Swastika stone is an image of the Solar system with the Sun and 4 Gaseous planets enclosed in an envelope and the rocky planets outside, although closer to the Sun. The reason there are multiple is because that area is where that was taught. Even Pluto is included in the diagram but just as we have thrown it out of our list of Planets it is partly included and partly excluded with just a Hook round it.
In your opinion…