Call for sessions proposals

TRACCE no. 8 – by Jack Steinbring

1999 International Rock Art Congress
at Ripon College
Ripon, Wisconsin, U.S.A., MAY 23 – 31

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The 1999 International Rock Art Congress will take place on the campus of Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin, U.S.A. from May 23 to 31. The Congress is sponsored by The International Federation of Rock Art Organizations. The national host is the American Rock Art Research Association and the local/regional host is the Mid-America Geographic Foundation. Other participating organizations include the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, the University of Wisconsin Center – Fond du Lac, the Eastern States Rock Art Research Association, the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota Historical Society and the Mid-West Rock Art Association.

There will be two days of pre-congress field trips (May 22 and May 23), and two days of post-congress field trips (May 30 and May 31). The costs of post-congress field trips are included in registration (or requiring only a nominal fee). Dormitory accommodations will be available at Ripon college. A package of room and board (meals) has been fixed at $35.00 (U.S.). Meal tickets for any combination of meals (dinner only, lunch and breakfast, etc.) can be purchased by those staying off-campus. A list of 25 motels in the immediate area is available – conference rates are being negotiated. There are approximately 100 motel units available in Ripon, and the college can accommodate 1,000. A complete motel (32 units) within easy walking distance will be reserved. Distances to other accommodations range from 2 miles to 17 miles. These include all price ranges.

Air connections from Chicago, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis to Appleton, Wisconsin are the most convenient. Ripon College will provide shuttle service from and to Appleton (45 minutes) on peak arrival and departure days. Chicago is 185 miles from Ripon, Milwaukee is 80 miles away. Road connections are by freeway, except for 18 miles.

The Congress format will follow that of the Flagstaff Congress of 1994. There will be several concurrent sessions in the mornings, and General Sessions (symposia), in the afternoons. There will be public presentations in the evening. Registration will be from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Sunday May 23 and from 7:30 – 8:45 on Monday May 29. Registration will take place in the Rotunda of Harwood Memorial Union. Information boards (approx. 30″ x 30″) for participating organizations will be mounted in the registration area. These may include the history, nature and goals of your organization. You may include addresses, membership fees, and publication policies.

Efforts are underway to conduct some of the sessions in Spanish (with English translations as well as English to Spanish translations). To facilitate such communication, an innovation for slide presentations is being initiated. Presenters will be asked to produce translated captions for their slides for dual projection. One screen will contain the view, the other a caption for it (English if a Spanish presentation, Spanish if an English presentation). This will significantly reduce the problem of doubling the time in translated papers. The organizers are hoping that these arrangements will form a successful precedent for future congresses, and that a significant number of Hispanic contributors will avail themselves of this service.


All organizations and individuals interested in rock art are invited to make proposals for sessions, either specialized or general. These proposals must be received by OCTOBER 1st, 1997.

Please note this deadline. The proposals will be reviewed at the 1999 IRAC planning session at San Diego, CA on November 1, 1997. Proposals should be limited to 300 words, with a list of prospective presenters. The presenters need not be confirmed. The results of the proposal review will be made available as soon as possible. Successful candidates will then be responsible for the formal recruitment of presenters and the complete organization of their symposium or session.

Unless otherwise specified later in the planning phase, papers will be strictly limited to 20 minutes (including question time). A longer formal paper (using the American Antiquity Style Guide) may be submitted for publication in the Congress proceedings. Presenters are asked to have first (typed) drafts available at the time of delivery. Requirements for translation, audio-visual equipment, or other needs must be made at the time the presentation is proposed.

Planning for the publication of the proceedings is underway. Session chairpersons will be responsible for initial editing, and the final compilation will be undertaken by the American Rock Art Research Association, in collaboration with the International Federation of Rock Art Organizations and the Mid-American Geographic Foundation.

Organizations are encouraged to provide well mounted, secure posters for gallery exhibition. Ample well lighted space has been allocated for these. It is expected that the focus of these posters will be rock art, or relevant aboriginal themes. Groups not in attendance at the Congress are welcome to arrange for the exhibition of posters. Further details will be provided in 1998.

If you have any questions, they may be directed to:

Dr.Jack Steinbring
Dept. of Anthropology – Ripon College Ripon, Wisconsin – U.S.A. 54971
FAX: +1-414-748-7243 – Phone: +1-414-748-2937

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology

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