Rock Art newsletters and reviews


TRACCE no. 3

Please send Rock Art reviews, newsletters, bulletins, to Footstep of Man – ITALY

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International Newsletter on Rock Art – Lettre Internationale d’Informations sur l’art Rupestre

1996 subscription: US $ 18, check at the order of INORA-ARAPE (11 rue du Fourcat 09000 FOIX, France)

no.14 – 1996

  • Palaeolithic rock art in La Garma Archaeological complex (Cantabria – Spain)
  • The discovery of post palaeolithic rock paintings in Alicante province (Spain)
  • Iron Age petroglyphs in Valcenischia (western Alps)
  • The Pyrenean Park of prehistoric art
  • The rock engravings of the eastern and western Alps
  • Notes on the arhcaeology of the rock art of Italian Switzerland
  • Rock art research in Germany
  • Recent results from Spain (1994-1995)
  • Japanese rock art in 1993-1995
  • Rock art in Sweden
  • The rock art of Tanzania: status of conservation and research
  • Meetings – Books



International Newsletter on Rock Art – Lettre Internationale d’Informations sur l’art Rupestre

1996 subscription: US $ 18, check at the order of INORA-ARAPE (11 rue du Fourcat 09000 FOIX, France)

no.13 – 1996

  • The Cave of Covaciella (Asturias – Spain)
  • The Cave of “El Bosque” (Asturras- Spain)
  • The shelter of Santo Adriano (Asturras- Spain)
  • Palaeolithic art in the far south of Europe
  • New decorated cave in the Dordogne: La Grote de Cazelle (France)
  • The caves of the Carranza gorge in the Cantabrian region (Spain)
  • Conservation: a Canadian tragedy
  • Conservation and management of rock art sites in the Sierra de San Francisco, Baja California, Mexico
  • Conservation study of Easter Island petroglyphs
  • Petroglyphs in peril on Easter Island
  • Acoustic character of the decorated caves of the western palaeolithic world
  • The Chauvet Cave: radiocarbon versus archaeology
  • The Chauvet Cave dates implausible?
  • UNESCO wants to protect prehistoric world Rock Art
  • Meetings – Books

Arte Rupestre en Colombia

GIPRI – Grupo de Investigación de Arte Rupestre Indigena, Cra. 54 A No. 174-12, Santafé de Bogotà, D.C. Colombia S.A., Tel/Fax 672-23-90

Año I numero I Octubre de 1995

  • Editorial
  • Discusiones: Arte y Arte Rupestre: una discusión sobre experiencia estética
  • Reflexiones: El lenguaje de las rocas: recuperación de la historia cultural colombiana
  • Técnicas: Transcriptión de petroglifos
  • Documentación: Ficha de campo
  • Documentos:El jeroglìfico Chibcha
  • Noticias y decubrimientos
  • Bibliografìa
  • Localización de las zonas referenciadas

International Newsletter on Rock Art – Lettre Internationale d’Informations sur l’art Rupestre

1996 subscription: US $ 18, check at the order of INORA-ARAPE (11rue du Fourcat 09000 FOIX, France)

no.12 – 1995

  • 14C dates at the grotte at Arcy-sur-Cure (France)
  • Direct date for one of the Pech-Merle spotted horses
  • The painted shelters of Jbel Bani (Morocco)
  • Rock drawings in relief od Asir Province in Saudi Arabia
  • An engraved panel at Wadi Tekniven (Lybia)
  • Rock art in the upper valley of the Rio Illapel (Chile)
  • The Scythian Siberian Animal Style on the left side of the Chuya River
  • The Suterloo Sanctuary in the Gorny Altai
  • Some comments on Rock Art of Foz Coa
  • Are the Foz Coa engravings actually holocene?
  • Archaeological Conservancy acquires California, Usa, Rock Art site
  • Amazonian Rock Art (Brazil)
  • Perpetual digital preservation of rock art imagery
  • Meetings – congresses
  • Books

Newsletter of the Eastern States Rock Art Research Assn.

First year membership free. Send name and item to Deborah Morse-Kahn,
3337 Girard Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55408

Volume 1 – no. 1, January-March 1996

  • ESRARA accepted as 30th Ifrao member
  • Eastern states Rock Art conference at Machias, Maine, May 24-26, 1996
  • Three new Mud Glyph Caves discovered!
  • Report on 1995 International Cong. in Italy
  • News from MN, KY, MO, IL, PA, etc.
  • Swauger about to publish again!
  • Rock Art symposia as SAAs in New Orleans

The newsletter of the Australian Rock Art Research association (AURA)

AURA, P.O. Box 216, Caulfield South, Victoria 3162, Australia

Volume 13, number 1, February 1996

  • Chow, comradery and controversy: a conference report
  • News 95, Turin
  • Shaping the discipline for the 21st century
  • Rock Art news
  • Coa dam project deferred!


National Pictographic Society News Letter

Membership: US $ 10 – NPS 221 Gowen Pl., Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

March 1996

  • Letter from the President
  • Summary of the Coa Report from Alan Watchman
  • Some Thoughts About Solar Interactions
  • Maine Conference Agenda
  • K uu T àhn Rock Markings, New Video
  • Archaeoastronomy Conference

Southeastern Minnesota Rockart Survey

Deborah Morse-Kahn, 3337 Girard Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55408

January 1996

  • Survey
  • Fieldnotes

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