TRACCE no. 3
Please send Rock Art reviews, newsletters, bulletins, to Footstep of Man – ITALY
TRACCE will put online indexes and subscription conditions.
we have received….
1996 subscription: US $ 18, check at the order of INORA-ARAPE (11 rue du Fourcat 09000 FOIX, France)
no.14 – 1996
- Palaeolithic rock art in La Garma Archaeological complex (Cantabria – Spain)
- The discovery of post palaeolithic rock paintings in Alicante province (Spain)
- Iron Age petroglyphs in Valcenischia (western Alps)
- The Pyrenean Park of prehistoric art
- The rock engravings of the eastern and western Alps
- Notes on the arhcaeology of the rock art of Italian Switzerland
- Rock art research in Germany
- Recent results from Spain (1994-1995)
- Japanese rock art in 1993-1995
- Rock art in Sweden
- The rock art of Tanzania: status of conservation and research
- Meetings – Books
1996 subscription: US $ 18, check at the order of INORA-ARAPE (11 rue du Fourcat 09000 FOIX, France)
no.13 – 1996
- The Cave of Covaciella (Asturias – Spain)
- The Cave of “El Bosque” (Asturras- Spain)
- The shelter of Santo Adriano (Asturras- Spain)
- Palaeolithic art in the far south of Europe
- New decorated cave in the Dordogne: La Grote de Cazelle (France)
- The caves of the Carranza gorge in the Cantabrian region (Spain)
- Conservation: a Canadian tragedy
- Conservation and management of rock art sites in the Sierra de San Francisco, Baja California, Mexico
- Conservation study of Easter Island petroglyphs
- Petroglyphs in peril on Easter Island
- Acoustic character of the decorated caves of the western palaeolithic world
- The Chauvet Cave: radiocarbon versus archaeology
- The Chauvet Cave dates implausible?
- UNESCO wants to protect prehistoric world Rock Art
- Meetings – Books
GIPRI – Grupo de Investigación de Arte Rupestre Indigena, Cra. 54 A No. 174-12, Santafé de Bogotà, D.C. Colombia S.A., Tel/Fax 672-23-90
Año I numero I Octubre de 1995
- Editorial
- Discusiones: Arte y Arte Rupestre: una discusión sobre experiencia estética
- Reflexiones: El lenguaje de las rocas: recuperación de la historia cultural colombiana
- Técnicas: Transcriptión de petroglifos
- Documentación: Ficha de campo
- Documentos:El jeroglìfico Chibcha
- Noticias y decubrimientos
- Bibliografìa
- Localización de las zonas referenciadas
1996 subscription: US $ 18, check at the order of INORA-ARAPE (11rue du Fourcat 09000 FOIX, France)
no.12 – 1995
- 14C dates at the grotte at Arcy-sur-Cure (France)
- Direct date for one of the Pech-Merle spotted horses
- The painted shelters of Jbel Bani (Morocco)
- Rock drawings in relief od Asir Province in Saudi Arabia
- An engraved panel at Wadi Tekniven (Lybia)
- Rock art in the upper valley of the Rio Illapel (Chile)
- The Scythian Siberian Animal Style on the left side of the Chuya River
- The Suterloo Sanctuary in the Gorny Altai
- Some comments on Rock Art of Foz Coa
- Are the Foz Coa engravings actually holocene?
- Archaeological Conservancy acquires California, Usa, Rock Art site
- Amazonian Rock Art (Brazil)
- Perpetual digital preservation of rock art imagery
- Meetings – congresses
- Books
First year membership free. Send name and item to Deborah Morse-Kahn,
3337 Girard Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55408
Volume 1 – no. 1, January-March 1996
- ESRARA accepted as 30th Ifrao member
- Eastern states Rock Art conference at Machias, Maine, May 24-26, 1996
- Three new Mud Glyph Caves discovered!
- Report on 1995 International Cong. in Italy
- News from MN, KY, MO, IL, PA, etc.
- Swauger about to publish again!
- Rock Art symposia as SAAs in New Orleans
AURA, P.O. Box 216, Caulfield South, Victoria 3162, Australia
Volume 13, number 1, February 1996
- Chow, comradery and controversy: a conference report
- News 95, Turin
- Shaping the discipline for the 21st century
- Rock Art news
- Coa dam project deferred!
National Pictographic Society News Letter
Membership: US $ 10 – NPS 221 Gowen Pl., Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
March 1996
- Letter from the President
- Summary of the Coa Report from Alan Watchman
- Some Thoughts About Solar Interactions
- Maine Conference Agenda
- K uu T àhn Rock Markings, New Video
- Archaeoastronomy Conference
Deborah Morse-Kahn, 3337 Girard Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55408
January 1996
- Survey
- Fieldnotes
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