TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 30 – Jun 2013



# 30 – Jun 2013

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 30

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

30: 1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

TRACCE Facebook posts April-June 2013

Do we need a Facebook profile? Is it a powerful tool? No answer here in TRACCE, but only all the 110 posts of the TRACCE Facebook profile from April to June 2013 collected in a single PDF file. Better to keep and to share…

by TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin – Read online

Taurini Celtic tribe meets Roman Legion
at Turin

Turin, June 22 2013: Taurini celtic people, the inhabitants of the area of Turin during the Iron Age, and the Legio Prima Italica of the Roman Army meet for an historical re-enactment. This is occasion to show some alpine rock art images of the weapons and of the warriors of this period (short notes and photo-gallery).

by Andrea Arcà (Footsteps of Man) – Read online

Rupestreweb, May-August 2013 new papers online

May-August 2013, twelve new papers on Rupestreweb,
the most interesting online Mid and South-America rock art review; a rich overlook about: Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Perú, República Dominicana. Petroglyphs, rock paintings, research, archaeology… want you go further?

by Rupestreweb – Read online

The Ibexes Rock

The Ibexes Rock shows one of the most interesting Iron Age hunting scenes (VII-IV cent. BC) of the western Alps. At the same time it hosts the highest alpine
Roman inscriptions (I sec. AD). Many similarities with the Camunnian engraved hunting scenes
, while here the ibex takes the place of the deer .

by EuroPreArtRead online

Danni alla Pera ‘d la Spina
The Thorn Rock damaged

Nell’aprile del 2013 è stata danneggiata la Pera ‘dla Spina di Reano, una delle prime rocce a coppelle scoperte e pubblicate in italia, nel 1880. The Thorn Rock, one of the first cup-marked rocks ever published in Italy (1880) has been damaged in April 2013.

by GRCM – Read online

Giornata della Preistoria – Prehistory day

Domenica 2 Giugno 2013 a Vaie (TO – I), in piazza del Museo, Giornata della Preistoria. Ore 10-12 e 14-16 laboratorio sulla pietra levigata a cura del C.A.S.T. Dalle 16 alle 18 conferenze su preistoria e iconografia rupestre della Valle di Susa a cura di Stefania Padovan e di Andrea Arcà. Programma e galleria fotografica sull’arte rupestre della Valle di Susa. Polished stone workshop, Susa Valley prehistoric and rock art (here slideshow) lectures.

by C.A.S.T.- Centro di Archeologia Sperimentale TorinoRead online

Il Finalese: commerci e cultura megalitica

Gli Autori, in seguito alla disamina di studi internazionali ed alle recenti osservazioni personali sull’argomento in esame, analizzano l’importanza della
zona di Finale Ligure (Provincia di Savona, Liguria Occidentale, Italia), quale crocevia di culture e commerci fra aree distanti del Mediterraneo, dell’Italia e dell’Europa Transalpina durante la Preistoria

by A. Pirondini, G.P. Bocca, F. Pirondini, C. Pirondini e C. Villa – Read online

Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database updated

Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database updated.

After twenty years, the database contains over 27,000 citations.

by Leigh Marymor – Read online

The Carcancha and the Apu

This book is the first to explain the exceptional relationship between unique images of skeleton-anthropomorphic petroglyphs and one of the most important Sacred Mountains of the Andes. El sitio de arte rupestre de Alto de Pitis es el más importante en el Valle de Majes por su unión única con una Montaña Sagrada.

by Maarten van Hoek – Read online


TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 30 – Jun 2013

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