TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 5 – Nov 1996

Penascosa deer

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin no. 5
29 October 1996 – cover and index only






Number 5 – 1996 November

Send texts and images for next issue!
Footsteps of Man is an IFRAO association from Valcamonica – Italy
Maintained by Footsteps of Man (Le Orme dell’Uomo) archaeological Cooperative,
piazza Donatori di Sangue 1 – 25040 CERVENO (BS) – ITALY
phone +39-364-433.983 fax +39-364-43.43.51

The GENERAL page
Claire Smith Australian Developments in the Dating of Rock Art
T. W. Wyrwoll Rock Art Research – a science without a name
Grant S. McCall Upside Down Kudu: away from Western Stereotypes
SW Organizing Project Petroglyph National Monument in New Mexico imperiled by Road Plans
Fieldwork participants Sliding into enlightenment
The CÔA special page
L. Oosterbeek De Foz Côa à l’ensemble du territoire Portugais
Abreu -Arcà-Fossati-Jaffe Côa Valley: the Discovery
Abreu -Arcà-Fossati-Jaffe Côa Valley: from the Dam to the Park
Abreu -Arcà-Fossati-Jaffe The Vermelhosa site and the “Etched in time” project
A. Fossati The Iron Age in the Rock Art of Vermelhosa, Portugal
A. Arcà Palaeolithic figures in the rock n. 1 of Vermelhosa
J. A. Bravo Nunez The geology of the Douro and Côa Valley
B. Campos Do it nice or give you the truth?
C.V.R.A. Côwa Valley joke…
G. Chiari, R. Compagnoni, R. Giustetto Use of non destructive X-Ray Diffraction Analyses
IIIE classroom children The village named Camuna has a party on the moon
Editor Reviews and Newsletters | Archaeo-links | News and appointments
Editor We call for texts (next issue: 1997 January)!

call any email information to Andrea Arcà – Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo
Or write or fax or phone:
Angelo Fossati – Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo
piazzale Donatori di Sangue 1- 25040 CERVENO (Bs), Italy
tel. 39-364-433983 – fax 39-364-434351

English editing by Maurice Zanon

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created on 10-29-1996


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