Tag Archive for Copper Age

Valcamonica rock art in 20 minutes

Valcamonica 20 minutes

The project  Valcamonica Rock Art in 20 minutes, conceived and organized by Footsteps of Man (Cerveno, Valcamonica), intends to present the rock art of Valcamonica in an easy and descriptive way through simple lessons, conferences, and didactic activities lasting about 20 minutes, each held online by expert archaeologists, scholars in the field, and teachers. The videos are divided into three different sectors: chronology (lectures-lessons on the various periods of the rock art of Valcamonica), themes, and virtual visits (such as Camunnian roses, footprints, looms, palettes, or the most important engraved rocks), education (with a special section).

by Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI, Marisa D. GIORGI Read more

Val Meraviglie e Fontanalba (Barocelli 1921)

Barocelli 1921

TRACCE free e-books

Barocelli P. 1921. Val Meraviglie e Fontanalba (Note di escursioni paletnologiche), Atti della Società Piemontese d’Archeologia e Belle Arti, vol. X, fasc. 1, 51 pp., X tavv.
| full text-image and PDF (TRACCE 2015 re-editing) | Italian

[editor’s note: this 1921 paper expresses the first complete archaeological and chronological framework of the Mt. Bego petroglyphic complex; the author, Piero Barocelli was the archaeologist charged with the area, which was at this time managed by the Italian Royal Archaeological Superintendence; Clarence Bicknell, during the last years of his life, passed to him the baton of the research]

by Piero Barocelli – 1921

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Val Meraviglie e Fontanalba – Tavole (Barocelli 1921)


Barocelli 1921, plates

TRACCE free e-books

Tavole I-X da:
Barocelli P. 1921. Val Meraviglie e Fontanalba (Note di escursioni paletnologiche), Atti della Società Piemontese d’ Archeologia e Belle Arti, vol. X, fasc. 1, 51 pp., X tavv.

| full text-image and PDF (TRACCE 2015 re-editing, public domain) | Italian

[editor’s note: the 1921 paper by Piero Barocelli is enriched by 10 plates – tracings, drawings and pictures – accompanined by very detailed captions]

by Piero Barocelli – 1921

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Magura Cave paintings, Bulgarian rock art

Sun figure

Situated in north-western Bulgaria, and managed by the Belogradchik municipality, the Magura cave (Пещера МАГУРА) is, with the Porto Badisco cave (south Italy), the most important European post-Palaeolithic painted cave. Hundreds of dark brown figures are diffused along an astonishing underground Art Gallery: hunting, dancing and mating scenes, bi-triangular female silhouettes, axes, solar symbols… a prehistoric iconographic treasure which definitely deserves a special attention. [Text and photogallery]

by Andrea ARCÀ

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Magura cave photogallery


Magura figure

The Bulgarian Magura cave is well known for its impressive prehistoric paintings, scattered along an astonishing and dreamy 240 m long underground diverticulum, for which its Art Gallery is really worth a visit. More than 750 darkish figures have been counted, made with bat guano, smeared or rubbed along the cave walls; on the curvy  shaped vaults and niches, white or yellowish “plastered” by the nature, we can recognise dancing, hunting, and mating scenes, and organise the figures into four thematic groups: anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, geometric, and symbolic signs. [Text and photogallery]

by AA

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Chenal: il riparo inciso – the engraved shelter

Chenal schelter

Chenal shelter

Una recente scoperta: le più antiche figure post-paleolitiche dell’arte rupestre alpina. A recent discovery: the most ancient post-palaeolithic figures of the alpine rock art. Venerdì 9 maggio 2014 ore 17.30 presentazione pubblica ad Aosta; Friday, May 9, 2014 5:30 p.m. public presentation at Aosta (I).


by A. Arcà, D. Daudry, A. Fossati, F. Morello, L. Raiteri, L. Bornaz

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L’età del Rame – The Copper Age

eta_rame_logo_quadL’età del Rame, la pianura padana e le Alpi al tempo di Ötzi. Mostra al Museo Diocesano di Brescia (via Gasparo da Salò 13, Brescia – I) dal 26 gennaio al 15 maggio 2013. The Copper Age, the Po plain and the Alps during the Ötzi time. Exhibition at the Museo Diocesano of Brescia, from Jan 26 to May 15 2013.
Presentazione e fotogalleria sui massi incisi dell’età del Rame – Copper Age engraved boulders photo-gallery available.

by Copper Age

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Entre Mont Bego et Val Camonica


Merveilles, le Sorcier

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 2011.
Entre Bego et Val Camonica: une clé pour mieux comprendre l’origine de l’art rupestre dans les Alpes, in BEPAA XXII, pp. 71-89.
| full text-image inline PDF | French

La comparaison entre ces deux sites est cruciale pour l’encadrement global de l’art rupestre alpin.

by Andrea Arcà

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Oukaimeden, a Moroccan rock art site


Oukaimeden engraving

Here some slides and draft notes of a lecture I delivered in 2010, after visiting Oukaimeden in April 2007. I’m pleased to share pictures, but also some ideas: comments are welcome. Oukaimeden is a very important petroglyphic complex, showing Copper or Ancient Bronze  Age (III-beginnings of II mill. BC) engraved weapons, and also  interesting points of contact with similar European petroglpyhs, from the Iberian peninsula to the Alpine arc, Mt. Bego particularly. Last but not least, it is also a beautiful natural site...

by Andrea Arcà (Footsteps of Man – IIPP)

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Piero Barocelli, a rupestrian archeology pioneer

Piero Barocelli, archaeologist

Piero Barocelli’s work on Mt. Bego Petroglpyphs plays a highly original and markedly pioneering role for the Alpine and European rupestrian archaeology. Full text-image inline PDF available (TRACCE open access papers).

Gli studi di Piero Barocelli sui petroglifi del Monte Bego assumono per l’archeologia rupestre alpina ed europea una posizione fortemente originale e di marcato pionierismo. Disponibile la versione PDF integrale.

by Andrea Arcà

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Valcamonica, 2012 Rock Art Fieldwork & Field School

Tracing Valcamonica rock art

Again in 2012 Footsteps of Man organizes its annual archaeology field school at Paspardo. This area gives a great opportunity to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. The project participants will learn to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. (2013 fieldwork Jul 18-Aug 8)


by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Dating and (up)dating Valcamonica rock art

Valcamonica chronology

Since the beginning the achievement of a correct chronological attribution has represented an important point of any rock art research. But since the beginning any chronological attribution has been subjected to the risk of being questioned, not accepted or simply updated. So rock art dating is often controversial…

by Andrea Arcà

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