Valcamonica Fieldwork 2000

Valcamonica, Iron age

TRACCE no. 12 – by Footsteps of Man Archaeological Society

Paspardo, 1-14 August 2000.
This year, like in the last ten years, Footsteps of Man (Valcamonica-Italy), organizes the archaeology fieldwork. The project consists of searching, drawing and cataloguing engraved rocks.

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Paspardo, 1-14 August 2000

Valcamonica: the Concarena mountain and, in the bottom of the Valley, Capo di Ponte. Sight form Paspardo.

This year, like in the last ten years, the Archaeological Cooperative Society Footsteps of Man of Cerveno (Valcamonica-Italy), center of research and study of rock art, member of IFRAO (International Federation of Rock Art Organizations), organizes for those interested (archaeologists, professors, students, enthusiasts) the archaeology fieldwork for the research and the study of rock art.
The project consists of searching, drawing and cataloguing the engraved rocks.

Valcamonica fieldwork: a new discovered rock in the Paspardo area: duelling scene, middle Iron Age

There are different phases:

Paspardo – Valcamonica: The archaeological site is Paspardo and others areas in Valcamonica, where many engravings are situated in different places. The engravings are dated from the Neolithic to the Middle Age.

  • The work goes in Paspardo within 1-14 August 2000.
  • The voluntary participants come from different countries of the world. Official languages are English and Italian.
  • In Paspardo the accommodation is provided in houses with rooms, dormitories, showers and kitchen.
  • Who is interested in coming should stay for a session of seven days in minimum

Tracing by transparence

Program of a week session

  • 1st day:Opening and welcome. Visit to the sites.Evening: conference ” What is rock art? Rock art in the Alps“.
  • 2nd day:Morning and afternoon: introduction to the work of documentation, tracing rock art figures.
    Evening: conference ”
    How to study a rock: examples from Valcamonica and Valtellina”
  • 3rd day:Morning and afternoon, research and documentation tracing and recording.
    Evening free.
  • 4th day:Morning and afternoon: survey in rock art sites.
    Evening: conference “How to date Rock Art?”.
  • 5th day:Morning and afternoon: research and documentation; tracing and recording.
    Evening free.
  • 6th day:Morning: guided visit to an Archaeological Museum and/or Rock Art sites.
    Afternoon: computer work (data and pictures). Evening free.
  • 7th day:Morning free.
    Afternoon: collecting materials and closing session.
    Evening free.

Footsteps of Man Archaeological Society
p.zza Donatori di Sangue 1 – 25040 CERVENO (BS) I
Tel. +39-0364.433983 – Fax: +39-0364.434351
contact page


Footsteps of Man

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