TRACCE no. 7 – by Ulrich Schendzielorz
The photos were produced in 1994 as an assignment of the German science magazine ‘Bild der Wissenschaft’ in cooperation with Prof. Harald Hauptmann of the ‘Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften’.
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Ulrich Schendzielorz is a photographer (educated in the USA and in Germany) with an art history background and specialized in archaeology and travel photography. The archaeology stories he did, are all authored by Dr. Waltraud Sperlich, a history and archaeology journalist with an extraordinary well reputation. She is living in Greece.
Persian warrior in uniform slaughtering a goat. First millenium B.C.
Buddha (= 0,5 m high) surrounded by pupils, approximately 800 A.D. The picture is part of the ‘altar-rock’ near the small town of Chilas. Manganese dust in the extremely hot aír of the valley covers the rocks over the centuries and colors them dark brown. This cover ‘protects’ the petroglyphs. The darker the rocks are, the older the drawings.
Rock with stupas (Buddhist symbol, which is similar in importance as the cross is to Christianity) and other pictures from 800 A.D and later, overlooking the Indus river.
Three stupas on the ‘altar-rock’ near Chilas ( 800 A.D.). Large stupa in the middle is approximately 1 m high.
Sun-wheels and battle-axes are symbols of an (unknown) cult that followed the Buddhist period in this region. Drawings of this tpye are the latest to be found around Chilas.
Rock-chamber close to the Indus river near Chilas. Stupas, human figure and men guiding horses. Exact dating unknown. Chamber height: approximately 3 meters.
Ulrich Schendzielorz
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Beautiful and amazing art of ancient man. This important cultural heritage is facing a serious threat of construction of a Dam. Majority of these carvings will go under water after construction of Dam