Archive for Mont Bego – Monte Bego

Piero Barocelli, a rupestrian archeology pioneer

Piero Barocelli, archaeologist

Piero Barocelli’s work on Mt. Bego Petroglpyphs plays a highly original and markedly pioneering role for the Alpine and European rupestrian archaeology. Full text-image inline PDF available (TRACCE open access papers).

Gli studi di Piero Barocelli sui petroglifi del Monte Bego assumono per l’archeologia rupestre alpina ed europea una posizione fortemente originale e di marcato pionierismo. Disponibile la versione PDF integrale.

by Andrea Arcà

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Sui Sentieri dell’arte rupestre – again available

Copertina – cover

44 escursioni alle più importanti aree incise delle Alpi. Tutti i settori sono rappresentati: dalle Alpi francesi (Bego, Ubaye e Moriana) e italiane (Alpi Occidentali, Valtellina, Valcamonica, Asiago), a quelle svizzere (Vallese e Grigioni) e austriache (Spittal, Golling, Schneid Joch). Un piccolo manuale di archeologia rupestre, che riassume anni di studio e di ricerca. The most complete guide to the Alpine Rock Art

by Andrea Arcà e Angelo Fossati

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Meaning in the rock-engravings of Mont Bégo

Mt. Bego

TRACCE no. 9 – by Lawrence Barfield, Christopher Chippindale

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Meaning in the rock-engravings of Mont Bégo, Alpes-Maritimes, France
What did the celebrated petroglyphs of Mont Bégo mean, in the lives of the people who made them?

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Settlements in topographic engravings

Vite, Valcamonica

TRACCE no. 9 – by Andrea Arcà

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Settlements in topographic engravings of Copper Age in Valcamonica and Mt. Bego Rock Art .
Whoever should aim at finding points of contact between the two greatest “poles” of Alpine rock art would find a fertile battle-ground in the so-called topographic engravings…

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“Topographic” Engravings (Alpine arc) part ****

Paspardo, VIT20

TRACCE no. 6 – by Andrea Arcà

The Settled Ground in the “Topographic” Engravings
of the Alpine Arc

* Part 4 *
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“Topographic” Engravings (Alpine arc) part *

Vite rock 20

TRACCE no. 2 – by Andrea Arcà

The Settled Ground
in the “Topographic” Engravings
of the Alpine Arc

* Part 1 *

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